Dragi učenici i gosti,
na ovoj stranici predstaviće vam se škola iz Brindizija, Italija, a vi ćete moći da pročitate i vidite šta oni znaju o Šekspiru i kako obeležavaju godišnjicu kojom se i mi bavimo.
Hvala puno koleginici Terezi Vićenteli na pozitivnom odgovuru i spremnosti na saradnju u ovom projektu.
Dear students and guests,
this is a page where a school from Brindisi, Italy and its students will present what they know about Shakespeare and how they chose to celebrate the anniversary we are also dealing with.
Many thanks to my dear colleague Teresa Vicentelli for being ready to participate in this project.
na ovoj stranici predstaviće vam se škola iz Brindizija, Italija, a vi ćete moći da pročitate i vidite šta oni znaju o Šekspiru i kako obeležavaju godišnjicu kojom se i mi bavimo.
Hvala puno koleginici Terezi Vićenteli na pozitivnom odgovuru i spremnosti na saradnju u ovom projektu.
Dear students and guests,
this is a page where a school from Brindisi, Italy and its students will present what they know about Shakespeare and how they chose to celebrate the anniversary we are also dealing with.
Many thanks to my dear colleague Teresa Vicentelli for being ready to participate in this project.
Hi, my name is Teresa Vicentelli and I'm an English language teacher in the Istituto Tecnico Nautico e Aeronautico in Brindisi, in the south of Italy.
In the last five years my school has been part of some European Projects about foreign languages and we have been to Ireland, Scotland and England. During one of our project we have visited Stratford upon Avon, a lively town with lots of interesting sites and one of these was Shakespeare's house. We visited the museum and admired writings and pictures of this wonderful author The house is tiny and full of interesting objects which belonged (we think) to the author. It was a wonderful, sunny day and when we went into the garden some actors were performing Romeo and Juliet ,and they asked some students of mine to wear the costumes and to take part to the play! It was a fantastic and amazing experience and the audience....other students and tourists....were really enthusiastic!
Let me take you on a walk through